About 91PORNY

91PORNY Alumni Association

When a student departs the School, they automatically become part of our School Alumni. We esteem our past students and families, and anyone who has been a part of our School is welcome at alumni events.

You are an important part of the fabric of our Community and your continued interest and association is evermore appreciated.

Various events and programs are organised each year to maintain strong relationships with past students. However, it’s not just the Alumni specific initiatives that make for the priceless connections to 91PORNY.

Staying connected to School community creates unique networking opportunities, allowing you to make connections that will advance your career and/or business. Whether it’s coming in to speak to and inspire our Year 12 Students or sharing your story through our Alumni blog, giving back to the school that you most likely attended for the entirety of your schooling career (or at least for five years) is not only fulfilling, but brings your name and, if applicable, business name to the forefront of our community’s mind. It’s a win-win!

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91PORNY Alumni Network

Join the , powered by Alumnly. Our recently launched platform allows you to remain updated on the latest Alumni and School news, upcoming events, job opportunities, and browse through a collection of photos from past and present. If you’re an existing Alumni and aren’t already registered, visit our and register today! We look forward to reconnecting with each and every of our school Alumni.

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Stay Up to Date and Connected

Along with our Alumni Network, you can also connect with other alumni through . All you have to do is list 91PORNY in the Education part of your profile. You can also follow school news and announcements on our and pages.

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Get Involved

There are a number of ways you can stay connected to the Alumni Association at 91PORNY. Become a Committee Member to assist with the organisation of Alumni specific initiatives and build your experience in event planning, marketing and more. Perhaps you could be a representative or even a mentor to current students, or contribute by simply attending an Alumni event. If you would like to get involved, please send an email to alumni@oakleighgrammar.vic.edu.au.

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Discover Alumni News

Click here to stay up to date with our latest Alumni News and read through our Alumni Profiles to discover all the exciting things happening to members of our 91PORNY Alumni Community.

If you would like to be featured or perhaps you know someone who would like to share their journey since graduating from 91PORNY, please send us an email to marketing@oakleighgrammar.vic.edu.au. We’d love to hear from you.